The world we live in.

We are living in the most polluted environment in Earth’s known history.  We are continually inhaling, ingesting and digesting toxins, heavy metals, residue from plastics, pesticides, processed foods, chemicals and trans fats.  All of which negatively affect our bodies mentally, physically and especially financially (taking into consideration our nation’s outrageous medical bills, procedures and daily prescriptions […]


The anti-aging trend is en vogue, as the silver tsunami formerly known as the baby boomers heads into retirement they are trying anything and everything to look and feel younger. In my acupuncture practice patients ask for treatment goals targeting aesthetic acupuncture and way to tap into the literal Fountain of Youth. While there is […]

Acupuncture and natural therapy for PCOS

Acupuncture and natural therapy for PCOSPCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a female endocrine disorder where too much androgen hormone (testosterone) is being made in relations to estrogen. It affects up to 10% of all women. It is thought that improper insulin regulation is a common cause and shows up in girls as young as nine […]