The anti-aging trend is en vogue, as the silver tsunami formerly known as the baby boomers heads into retirement they are trying anything and everything to look and feel younger. In my acupuncture practice patients ask for treatment goals targeting aesthetic acupuncture and way to tap into the literal Fountain of Youth.
While there is nothing out of the ordinary with wanting to look and feel younger, this desire can easily divert attention away from the deeper issues that deserve our time. The questions that I always come back to are, ‘What’s causing you to look or feel older in the first place?’
Why are so many of us feeling worn out regardless of their age? Why are chronic illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, and osteoporosis skyrocketing through the roof?
In my practice I’ve found that many people have lost the ability to relax and restore. They are always ‘on’– they can’t quiet their minds and their bodies are in a chronic state of action. They barely make time for themselves. As a result, some of the most fundamental keys into health and longevity, such as a balanced diet and exercise, often go ignored. Something is missing and restoring lost youth so to speak is where we come in.
Diet and exercise are two critical pillars into how we age. But there is something much more fundamental that ultimately determines how youthful we are and appear and are conscious of the fact that the body is a vessel for our awareness. If we forget that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, then we won’t be fully awake and alive within our skin. We will overly identify with the body as who we are. We won’t see that we have a choice to bring more light, space, and energy into our bodies simply by heightening our awareness and focusing on the said pillars of wellness.
The good news; there are supplements, herbs, and treatments that we can help tailor to help you look and feel younger. The real goal, however, is to actually become fully embodied as a human being. Awaken all of your senses and know that there is a deep spiritual connection guiding the process. That is the basis of health and longevity.
Many are turning to the anti-aging industry because they fear aging and death. Looking older is a reminder of their mortality. My interest is in helping people become liberated from this form of suffering rather than putting a bandage on their issues by taking a few wrinkles out of their face.
As a holistic health practitioner, I keep returning to the question, ‘What really matters?’